Our Fracht Forward Mission in Action
Fracht Group’s branches across Africa are inspiring change in their communities from the ground up, and responding to unprecedented economic, social, and environmental challenges with a helping hand. Interested in learning more about our latest sustainability initiatives, represented by the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? Check out the sustainability report below.
Kampala, Uganda

Running to Support Healthcare for Mothers and Babies
Fracht Group Uganda is proud to participate in the annual MTN Uganda Marathon which helps raise funds for maternal and neonatal healthcare facilities in Uganda. In 2022, twenty-one runners from Fracht Group Uganda ran to help improve healthcare and eliminate preventable deaths among mothers and babies.

Training the Next Generation of Logistics Professionals
Fracht Group Uganda offers two year-long internship programs that give aspiring logistics professionals a comprehensive learning experience that could help advance their careers. In 2022, we welcomed a general intern in June and a finance intern in November. Throughout their year with our Fracht family, the interns gain valuable industry knowledge, hands-on work experience, and practical skills.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Eliminating Gender-Based Violence
Fracht Group Polytra Tanzania has joined forces with the 16 Days of Activism campaign to combat gender-based violence. Our team has helped provide educational resources and sanitary products to the Uhuru Mchanganyiko Primary School in Dar es Salaam, with the aim of reducing the number of girls who missed school because they could not afford sanitary products.
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Assisting Internally Displaced Burkinabé People
Fracht Group Burkina Faso partners with the Un Geste Pour Les PDI association to support internally displaced Bukrinabé people who are facing security challenges in the eastern and northern regions of the country. Our donations include cereals, oil, pasta, coal stoves, and clothing to help the affected communities.
Explore More Regions
Sustainability is a priority everywhere we operate. Explore the map below to see Fracht Forward in action around the world.
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Interested in hearing more about our regional initiatives? Contact us today to learn more about Fracht Forward and what we are doing around the world.